Thomas and Jahkeen are both dedicated trainers who go out of their way to accommodate their client’s schedules. Aside from meeting with clients before and after work, they make time on Saturdays as well to train people in a group setting. Both are very professional and great motivators. In the short time that I have been working with them, the difference is evident. They do an excellent job in explaining how each work out will benefit you and also take the time to check in during the week to make sure that you are stretching properly to prevent any risk of injury. Not only has working with these two gentlemen helped me regain confidence in my physical appearance; it has also helped me grow stronger mentally and for that I am truly grateful to them and their commitment to my improvement”
— Stephany Reyes-Seri
I started my workout journey with Jahkeen in January 2012. My primary reason for working out was to get rid of a few extra pounds before my wedding. Working out with Jahkeen has been great! His workouts are fun and very effective. Not only was I able to get rid of 20+ pounds before my wedding, but I actually realized that I enjoy working out, and because of this I now live a healthier lifestyle.
— Margaret Lajara-Ruiz
Jahkeen is all the things you would want in a trainer. He is; tough, but fair, excited when he sees you doing well, and encouraging, even when you may have an off day. Getting fit not only has helped me lose 40+ pounds, but it has also assisted me with getting my family in shape. In addition to personal training sessions I also attend boot camp on Saturday mornings. Boot camp is fun, but also very challenging. Jahkeen and Thomas keep all of the attendees on their toes, with tough competitions, and circuits.
— Shadai Payne
After playing varsity football for Boston College, I found it very challenging as a professional working a 40+ hour work week to schedule time for my fitness. Thomas challenged me every day to view my fitness not as a task but a way of life. We worked together on a nutrition plan that would allow me to get leaner while also getting stronger. As a result of all these changes, I am proud to say that I have lost 40 pounds to date and continuing to lose more. None of this would have been possible without Thomas’ and JTW FIT’s inspiration and belief that I could achieve.
— Joseph Lampkin
I choose Thomas as my trainer. He is always accessible for questions pertaining to workouts, stretches, or dieting. Over the past three months my speed, endurance, and overall strength has increased tenfold. Always willing to meet up before work, after work, or even during lunch break, Thomas is the most client schedule friendly trainer in NYC by far. If you want to improve your overall body strength and look like an athlete you should definitely choose JTW FIT.
— Mark Dejong
I thought my schedule was too hectic to be able to work out with a trainer. My trainer Thomas is extremely accommodating and works with me when my schedule changes. His knowledge of fitness and the body is reassuring and allows me to feel more comfortable when working out. After a long time away from anything fitness related I can say that recently I’ve felt stronger, faster and more confident with pushing myself to an unimaginable limit. Thomas is always available for questions and is a fantastic support for me and my fitness goals.
— D. Giron